
640 SE Lincoln Ave | St. Cloud, MN 56304

Instant Vouchers 76 Activities 39 All 4 Appliances 4 Auto Sales & Service 37 Auto/Home 156 Bakery and Grocery 19 Bars 6 Boat & ATV Sales & Service 2 Bookstores 4 Builders & Remodelers 12 Cleaning 7 Clothing 6 Coffee Shops 3 Comedy and Music 1 Concerts & Events 18 Education 3 Electronic Repair 5 Entertainment 93 Events 3 Family Events 8 Farm 11 Fitness 33 Food & Drink 135 Furniture 7 General Merchandise 31 Gifts and Floral 5 Golf 31 Hardware 9 Health & Beauty 94 Home Maintenance & Decorating 1 Home Services 68 Hotels and Motels 7 Jewelry 4 Landscape & Nurseries 12 Limo and Transportation 3 Liquor Stores 5 Massage and Spa 9 Medical and Dental 9 Other Services 12 Pet Services 16 Photography and Video 8 Pizza Restaurants 3 Printing 7 Recreational Rentals 2 Recreational Vehicles 1 Rental 18 Restaurants 91 Retail 74 Salons 20 Services 72 Sporting Events 2 Sporting Goods 8 Sports & Outdoors 49 Storage and Rental 5 Tanning 12 Theatre 7 Travel 2

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As a government organization that does not have a marketing budget, St. Cloud Park and Recreation absolutely loves what the Value Connection does for us. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of programs and events that we want the community to be aware of and attend. The Value Connection offers us an opportunity to market our programs and events with the minimal budget we have. Many individuals in the local community look to the Value Connection for SO many different things and while doing so they come across our offerings and then can learn more about what Park and Recreation has to offer! We love and will continue to use the Value Connection!

- Lynn Neumann-Recreation Programmer-St. Cloud Park and Recreation

Hennen's have been using the Value Connection for years. It has been a good program for us in two basic ways. First, the store is mentioned frequently on the air over and above the paid testimonial ads that we run with the ad credit the program creates for us. Second, we're getting a break on the cost of the ads by paying with in-store gift certificates which require the "buyer" to come to the store. It is a win-win for everyone involved. Hennen's looks forward to continuing to use the program.

- Joe Hennen-Owner of Hennen Floor Covering in Freeport